Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Little Models

I decided at the beginning of the year to submit a couple of photos for the competition. Each month, they choose a "cute kid" among thousands of applicants (in different categories) to be a semifinalist for a yearly competition. The prizes are awesome and include lots of money to go towards their college tuition. The cost to enter a photo is $20. I tried all winter to get a good picture that I felt could "win it all". I wasn't coming up with anything spectacular, just your average ma-ma pics, so I submitted two that I liked a lot. Remember these...

The first picture got picked as a April preview picture! The prize is a free entry into the following month's contest. Now the pressure's on!

1 comment:

{The Tresslers} said...

Those boys are cute no matter what the contest says!! Way to go though on the April win!!