Friday, March 13, 2009

Reading with Bryan and Jonathan

Update: I've re-uploaded this video due to people having some problems viewing it. Hopefully it will work this time! Sorry! I uploaded pictures onto my computer first thing this morning (you know, it's busy season and I've got priorities!) and I was so excited I just had to post this video right away.
Update: In other news, I just bought the twins their first tricycles!!! I'm super excited! I bought them from another mother of twin boys through the twins club. She had them for a couple of years and decided to sell them and get "big boy bikes" for her boys. They are meant to be their b-day gift, but there's no way I can wait until August. Ok, I admit it, I broke already. I brought one over to Jean and Mark's house on Suday to try it out on them. It was gorgeous during the whole day and I was waiting for Bryan to take his nap(Jonathan already had his by then) so I could take one at a time out there and hopefully prevent a fight. No such luck. Bryan never took a nap! What's up with that? He was bursting full of energy the whole day until dinner time where he was running out of steam. He took a quick 10 minute nap, but that was it. I hope that's not a habit that will last long. Anyway, around 3, I took both of them outside to see what they would do. They must have already tried riding a bike at daycare 'cause they knew exactly what to do! I had Bryan on first and I was walking Jonathan along my side while pusing Bryan. There's a nifty handle on the bike so I can steer and the kids don't have to peddle. We rode/walked almost all the way to the local park a few blocks away. Jonathan got tired of walking and decided to have me carry him. They LOVED the park and I kinda didn't. One goes one way and the other goes the other way. You really need two people when you take them there and it was all me. Ugh! Let's just say I got my workout that day. Strange report: I put them into the swings and Jonathan was loving it just like last year with giggles and laughter the whole time. Bryan didn't like it at all! He was fine sitting in the seat, but as soon as I pushed, he freaked out! I had to hold him while I pushed Jonathan for a little bit.
On the way back, Jonathan started to ride in the bike then he tried to jump off (thank goodness there's a harness on that thing!) so I put Bryan back in it and I carried Jonathan. We played this game off and on all the way back to Nana's house. Did I mention I got my workout that day? Once we got back, Bryan went inside right away, but Jonthan wanted nothing to do with getting off the bike. OK. We rode around the cul-de-sac a couple of times then around the house. He loves hills! I managed to eventually get him off of the bike (kicking and screaming) then we took a quick walk around the house once more. It was a good weekend.

On a side note: Does anyone have an easier way to load video on this thing? It takes forever!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Last night before night-night-land, I "read" to the boys. I put read in quotes, because it's more like say a word or two, then I'm forced to turn the page. If you've ever read a book to a toddler in you're lifetime, I'm sure you'd understand - especially if you're reading to two at the same time!
I am really loving this stage of the twin's development. They're trying to say every word they hear and they're so much happier that they can express themselves. There's plenty of frustrations when we can't understand them(which is a lot)but it's getting better every week.
The book we were looking at last night was the big animal book. They know enough now that I can say "look at the lion, what does a lion say?" and Bryan will give me his best "ROAR!!". He's also got down a cow's Moo, a pig's snort, a duck's Quack (pronounced Gooack), a horse's Neigh, a sheep's baa, and a rooster's Cock-a-doodle-doo (pronounced coo-ooh!) I love it so much I want to cry!
Jonathan is a little bit behind in the talking area, but not too far behind. He's trying to roar too and he can now proudly point out the duck in the picture at Nana's.
Matt took some video and I'll share with you soon.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just a quick video

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so I wanted to give you a quick hello to say that the boys are doing great. Here's a peek a boo session one afternoon. They love to hide behind curtains, towels, blankets or anything they can cover up with and jump out and surprise us. I love it!