Thursday, March 6, 2008

It was inevitable

Well, Matt took Bryan to see the Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat(ENT) Dr. yesterday afternoon and we learned what we thought was the inevitable. Bryan will be getting tubes put in his ears. He said that he's got a lot of water trapped behind his ear and it's just a matter of time before he gets his next infection. The statistics say that a child his age normally gets about three ear infections in the span of about 6 months. Bryan had his in less than 3 months. I'm actually happy about the diagnosis because this means that Bryan won't have to have any more antibiotics pumped into him and he'll be able to hear better. The Dr. said that he's hearing the way it sounds when you're under water - not great when you're trying to learn how to talk. So, Matt and I decided to go ahead with the procedure, which takes about 10minutes and is very standard. He'll be put under, but will be brought right back up. I expect him to recover just as well as Jonathan did when he had his hernia surgery. We're scheduling it for just after April 15th so I can be there and not be distracted. *sigh* Will these guys ever be not-sick??? I hope everyone out there is keeping healthy!! Take those vitamins!!


{The Tresslers} said...

I actually had a tube put in my ear right after I had my twins (long story about water weight gain, etc). Anyway, it was amazing how easy it was and how much better I felt!! I hope that it works just as well for your little man. As for colds...I am now sneezing uncontrollably and have horrible congestion. I just keep blaming daycare. Better me than them. Think spring!!

Brooke said...

Both kids had them this fall and winter (tubes) and we haven't been to the pediatrician for anything other than Well check-up! They are back to normal that same afternoon. Hope everyone feels better doesn't end. but it does get better!