Friday, December 14, 2007

Can you believe it!? (caution: gross topic)

Can you believe it? Now Bryan is sick! On Wednesday night, Matt had to drive up north for a work presentation and I had both boys by myself. Luckily, they were really cooperative and both in good moods. During their 2am feeding, Bryan didn't eat that much and he was a little fussy, so I let him fall asleep on me. At the 5am feeding, he only ate 1/2 ounce then he threw up what seemed like about 3ozs. Yuk! Not a big deal, I changed him again and got them both bundled up for daycare. We headed downstairs and I had them sitting in their car seats and watching me while I washed the bottles. They were both smiling and cooing then Bryan just started to "toss his cookies". The problem there was that it wasn't your normal run of the mill off-white puke; it was yellow and scared the crap out of me. Of course the pediatrician wasn't open for another half hour, so I cleaned him up, finished the bottles and carted them both off to daycare knowing that I'd have to bring Bryan back home until I got the all clear from the Dr. While we were at Daycare, Bryan puked again - same color. Dude! This is getting old and I'm getting even more worried. We make a quick stop to the grocery store for some Pedialyte, formula, tylenol and immune system booster tabs for me(which are really gross by the way). I finally got a hold of the Dr's office while enroute to home from the store. They offered either a call from the Dr at noon or a visit in a half hour. I hear the confirmation in the back seat that a visit to the Dr is needed asap. Three times in less than a hour - four if you count the formula one. Apparently, this throw up thing is going around and Bryan was lucky enough to catch it. He was puking bile. He was puke free thanks to the Pedialite until about 3:30 yesterday then he was back to square one. Matt took him last night and he was a fussy little guy all night, but finally got to sleep around 3:30am. We took him into Day care today. They are giving him 2oz of formula every hour and he's doing great. The funny thing about it all is that he's been almost all smiles the whole time. I love that little bugger!


{The Tresslers} said...

Omigosh, I am so sorry! You are so smart to take those immune tabs (we take emergen-C but I'm not sure if it even does anything considering Matt & I are both sick now!). Anyway, I hope that Bryan is feeling better and everyone else stays healthy for the holiday!

Bryan and Jonathan said...

How do those taste? the ones I try are so gross - you have to drop the tab into a glass of water and drink it.

{The Tresslers} said...

The Emergen-C isn't bad, kind of like a watered-down 'tang' flavor, not terrible, wouldn't drink it by the gallon, but it's ok.