Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jonathan's progress

Well, after a few days of lounging around the house, Jonathan is much better. He's even all smiles these past few days - which really warm's the worried-mom's heart. I've been playing phone-tag with the Pediatrician on the final results of the blood culture, but all the other results were all clear. So after all of that, he just had a bad cold that led to the fever. Bryan never caught what he had thanks to our constant watch on who has what pacifier and bottle. I have a feeling that we should be that way all the time for now on. We were better at that in the beginning, but we started to slack off. No more of that! Now it's constant washing of the hands (really dry/cracked hands) and baths for them every other night. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and concern.

1 comment:

{The Tresslers} said...

I am so happy to hear Jonathan is doing better! We were SO BAD about sharing binkies! Now, only Brenna takes it (thank goodness) but Maura steals it sometimes to be funny...