I wanted to post a nice message saying that everyone's much better now, but that's just not in the cards. Last Saturday morning I was feeling really sick so I stayed home while Matt took the boys to his parents. It turns out that I got Bryan's stomach flu - yuk! About three hours later, in walks Matt with the boys. I found out that Jonathan also caught Bryan's flu and was throwing up everywhere and Bryan was now into the second stage of that fun bug - let's just say somewhere between #1 and #2, but much closer to #1. You get the picture? The boys had destroyed the outfits that they were wearing and we didn't have any stored over at their Grandparent's, so Jean was kind enough to give them an early Christmas gift of one of their outfits. Poor Matt had to take care of all three of us until it got to be too much. I took Bryan since he was the lesser of two evils and prayed that he would be patient with me. Luckily he was pretty good and we all survived the night.
Sunday Matt got a break and I took the boys over to Jean and Mark's. Jonathan wasn't quite done spitting up, so he got to open another gift(Could this be the beginning of his manipulation?).
Before all the sickness started on Saturday, I got a few cute pics of the boys. Here's Bryan looking pretty darn cute.

Here's Jonathan right AFTER a great big grin - I hate my camera!

Here's the boys on Sunday. They got to sit on a gift while I got to open all their wonderful presents (Courtesy of our friends the Scheuer's, Bork's and Boyer's). This picture is also an example of their excellent drooling skills, as shown on their U. of K. shirts that they wore in honor of Uncle Tony.

Jonathan and Grandpap were pooped, so they took a nice long nap.

To give you an update now that it's Wednesday, (sorry for the delay in this posting!) the boys are doing great, although Jonathan still likes to spit up. Yes, Matt did catch the bug too. It just wouldn't be fair if he didn't! He had it with a fever all day yesterday and recovered overnight. I just found out that both Jean and A.J. got sick yesterday too. I feel terrible!! Hopefully everyone's done with it now and we can have a healthy holiday season. We're now in the process of decontaminating everything and trying to catch up on all the stuff we wanted to do over the weekend. I'm sure a few family members won't mind if their gifts arrive a few days late, right??? Gee wiz. I'm ready for a vacation!
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better and all cleaned out! We had something similar this past Easter...my family (who eventually all got on the porcelain bus with us) dubbed it the Easter Egg Influenza!
Oh and I just LOVE those knit hats! Too cute!!!
I'm also happy to read that you are all past this...wow, I am so sorry that it hit you so hard! But, the good thing is that you got to open those great little hats and outfits for the boys!
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