On Saturday, December 8th, Matt, me, Grandma Jean, and the twins all went to Springhill Mall to visit Santa (affectionately nicknamed "Ho-Ho"). Jean had a spot in line already reserved for us, so we didn't have to wait more than about 10 minutes - thanks Grandma! Below, I'm holding Bryan and Jean's holding Jonathan. They were SO good that whole day! Jonathan loved the santa suit (provided by Jean - she always finds the cutest outfits!) and he sucked on the white fur anytime he got a chance. You'll notice that I've given up on make up. I miss not looking like rudolph laying in the snow. Yuk!

After their visit with Santa, we all went shopping. No joke, EVERYONE in the mall either pointed and said "look, twins!" or they came up to us to look at or touch the boys. The most common questions were "Boy and Girl? or two Boys?", "Are they identical?", "How old are they?", and my favorite "How do you do it"?. Then there were the comments and stories about how they know any people with twins and how cute they looked in their outfits. It was a lot of fun, but it was getting annoying after the first 15 or so people. When they came up to talk, they would almost always touch them which would make me cringe inside. How could you know if they were sick or not? Needless to say, they had baths that night! I'm such a germ-phobe. We eventually met up with Sandy Scheuer and we ran into Terry _?___ while on our shopping spree. I think that's Jonathan.

Here's Bryan telling Matt all that he wants for Christmas. We told them that good little boys get everything that they want, so that was a long conversation!

It was a long day and everyone slept great. We can't wait till next year's visit!
They look adorable!
I totally feel your pain on passerby's when shopping. At first, I thought it was so fun to get stopped but after the first ten mintues, it so super annoying and a typical 20 minute trip to the store takes 3x as long b/c of people stopping! My favorite is "your hands must be full" (I try to reply back, "you should see my heart") OR "Better you then me"...um, yeah, buddy, it is better that it's me if that's your opinion! HA! It is funny though! I can't imagine if they were triplets!!! You look awesome by the way! Makeup?!? What's that?!?
I hear ya about the germs! But just wait until they get mobile in daycare and put EVERYTHING in their mouth! Including the toy that the snotty-nosed kid just threw on the ground or their shoes!!!
You gotta love it and don't worry about the make-up...you'll be a sex kitten (although, I don't think I ever was one) again! It just takes a while!
Matt's really starting to hate this "getting sick from DayCare" thing. There really isn't too much we can do about it unless we want to pull them out and that's just not going to happen.
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