I'm sad to report that a very good friend of mine lost her job at work. Now it's boring, quiet, and I'm getting way too much work done. I miss her terribly. If you're reading this, give me a call and we'll chat about nothing.
Saturday, I started the morning off by pulling weeds and LOTS of grass in our garden. Here's a pic of the progress.

Ok, so you might be saying to yourself, "Um, you missed a spot". True, but I got a lot out of there. There was a lot of spots where I wasn't sure what was a weed/grass and what was a plant, so I just let it go. On the left there's beans, then a 1/2 row of lettuce and carrots, then something, then cucumbers, then the tomatoes. The sectioned off part has all sorts of herbs. I really don't know what's what in there.
Here's the corn. We didn't pull any of the grass from in there yet. That will be a fun day!

Later that day, we all went to a surprise birthday party for Matt's old boss's wife. It was in a part of Northern Illinois at Turtle Beach Marina. We had a great time. There were tons of other kids there - even another set of twins! I made sure we packed our favorite toys and a ton of sunscreen. Much of the grounds were under water due to flooding that week, but we made due with the grassy area that we had. There was even a band called The Dilfs! I got to meet Matt's new boss and his wife and we talked to them for practically the entire time. The twins were exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. It turns out that another storm the next day flooded the area where we were at even more. Good timing for the party, but that's unfortunate for the people that live there.
Here's Jonathan...

And here's Bryan...

I've been experimenting with my camera. It turns out it has the capability to take video, but I haven't figured out the sound yet. I took this at the party. It kind of shows a brief idea of how Bryan dangles a toy in front of Jonathan and Jonathan takes it from him. It's usually a bit more violent.
Ok, on to Father's Day. I had the option to go to try out a church that morning, but I decided to make Matt breakfast instead (more on that another day). Matt watched the boys while I was busy in the kitchen. The boys were especially lovey-dovey that morning and wanted to be held constantly. Here he is spending some quality time with the twins. He read "10 little kittens" and the "little toot"(about a tug boat). He had their undivided attention.

Here's Matt playing with Bryan. I think Matt lost a few hairs that morning with all the hair-pulling that took place.

Monday, the 16th, I had the boys dressed up in their White Sox outfits courtesy of Grandma "Nana" Jean. They were too cute not to take a picture of, so here they are. Jonathan's on the left.

In other updates, Bryan FINALLY said Mama, quite clearly on the 13th. I'm working hard on Jonathan to do the same. Right now, he says Nana.
We had the ok from the pediatrician to give the boys Gerber puff's. I bought every kind there was in the store; banana, sweet potato, strawberry, you name it, I have it. They hate them. I don't know if it's because they disolve as soon as they hit their mouths, or that they stick to their hands, or just the flavor, but they give me the same "ew" face every time. I tried them and they're pretty good. A lot better than what they're eating at least. Every morning, I put a few on their tray thinking they might accidentally try again. This morning (the 17th) Bryan did and he didn't spit it out but gave Matt a weird face. A good step forward.
Speaking of...No, they can't walk yet, but Jonathan will stand on his own for a few seconds. He thinks it's a game and he'll crack up when I catch him from falling. Bryan has the ability to do it, but not the confidence. We're working on it every day.
When are you guys going to Bethany?? My parents house is in Lewes (very close) and we could drive down that weekend and meet up with you!!!
Love the video!! Hopefully they'll like those puffs...my girls still eat them sometimes!
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