I've started 1/2 day friday's at work, so when I get home I start my "weekend warrior" mode and I get working on the bazillion tasks that need to get done. One of these things is a garden. Matt and I have been talking about working on a garden ever since we moved into this house because the previous owner built a raised garden on the side of the house. Such great potential! Well, a few weeks ago, we dropped off the boys at Grandma's and went to work at pulling what felt like a million weeds and grass from the two 12'X 12' plots. We eventually gave up and rented a tiller. What a great invention. Matt started it first, then I gave it a shot. It was a lot of work, but I felt really strong when I was done. Grrrr! *That's me flexing my mommy muscles.* There was a ton of weird things in that garden that we pulled out like bottle caps, newspaper, cable wire. Yep, Matt(I'm blaming him) cut through our cable wire which also includes our phone line. This was Memorial Day weekend, so we thought for sure that we wouldn't get service back till Tuesday, but the cable people sent someone out the next day. Thank goodness! Right in the middle of the Hockey playoffs(Redwings vs. Pens) - could it be any worse of a time? I don't think so. Of course, I didn't get a before and after picture, but I can tell you that we already have lettuce and beans popping up. We just had terrential downpours this weekend, so it's all probably water-logged, but it's planted and that's the good thing.
The following weekend, I got to work on pulling out the hideous bushes that we have in our front flower beds (thanks to the inspiration from Brooke). This was all me - Matt went with the boys to Grandma's, so I had to dig them out myself. I ended up breaking a shovel in half. Grrr. Here's the before (sort of)and after. There's still a lot of work to be done, but it's as good as it's going to get for a few weeks. I've bought three "Endless Summer" Hydrangeas to plant in there, but they're just sitting on the soil till I find some time. Typical.

As far as last week, it was a typical week for us. I'll give you a rundown with a few pictures.
Instead of working outside on my 1/2 day Friday, I decided to spend some quality time with Bryan and Jonathan. Here they are playing around. I love those shirts. They say "Mr. Mischief". Perfect.

The next day, Matt and I decided to open up the kitchen and hallway area to the boys to crawl around in. We gated off the stairs and the laundry room and let them roam. We didn't think they would go further than the hallway, but as soon as they realized that they we weren't picking them up to drag them back into the living room, they dashed right into the front room. This room has a few pieces of furniture in it that we're going to be putting in the basement some day. The table that you see in the picture below is lovingly called "the death trap" because it's a glass top and iron legs with all sorts of pointy ends. We never intended to have the kids play in this room while this table was upstairs. The twins had different plans.

Jonathan was using the edge of the table to rub against his gums. He now has all four front teeth poking through. Bryan has his canine's and the two front bottom teeth poking through. They're both doing better with the teething, but they still drool like crazy. Matt wanted me take this next picture. It's proof that Bryan is his son. Jean and Mark know all too well about this sight because Matt would run around their house with socks/pj's that were half-way off his feet. Love it.

OK, here is the typical afternoon play time for us. I started to clean up when I realized that I should take a picture to remember the mess, so it's not as bad as it normally is. Matt's usually on the couch or on the floor and I'm doing the same. The boys clearly have reign over the house.

In other news, the boys are about 18lbs now and their health is great. Matt and I couldn't ask for two more well behaved babies with great personalities. They continue to surprise us with their new found talents and their endless love for everyone and pretty much everything. We're so very thankful for them and for the help/clothes/toys/food/advice/care that everyone has given us to keep this family running.
Next week, I'll update you on their eating habits, their growth, and the garden's progress.
Ah, don't feel bad...the girls are totally taken over our house. Inside and out. It amazes me how my house now resembles a preschool and not the cute "pottery barn" style I had going when we first moved in!!
Thanks for the inspirational nod...The house looks great, inside and out!
oh my goodness. they're beautiful. thanks to jean for sending me the site. kristi and matt, God bless you. i'm sure you have your hands full, but you'll be asking someday where the time went, so enjoy them. i can't wait to see them when you get home again in july. expect some major spoiling!!!
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