I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures to share with you this week. We had a few really good "Kodak Moments", but I couldn't find my camera in time. Instead, you'll have to settle for a brief update on the boys. I want desperately to get the boys sleeping in their cribs, so this past Friday night (the 12th), I decided that I would try and get at least one of them put down for the night. I had Jonathan and Matt had Bryan. I want them to just get used to the idea of sleeping in their cribs for awhile before I make them fall asleep by themselves, so I waited until Jonathan fell asleep after his night-time bottle. He slept on his tummy for about 4hrs then he wanted fed again. This is pretty unusual because he normally lasts till about 2-3AM. I expected the sleep to be a lot less than normal since he wasn't cuddled up next to me in bed, so I wasn't worried too much. After I fed him, I tried to do the same as when I first put him down, but he kept on waking up and crying when I laid him down, so he got to sleep in bed with me the rest of the night with the hopes that the number of hours would increase with practice. Saturday night, I had Jonathan again. Pretty much the same thing happened, except that he didn't wake up till his normal 2:30AM feeding. This time I fell asleep before I could get him back into his crib - oops! Sunday night, we tried to put both boys in their cribs, but Bryan only lasted a couple of hours - he's going to be difficult about this, I think. Jonathan surprisingly went back to sleep in his crib after his early-morning feeding with very little fussing. On Monday night, the same occurred, but on Tuesday night(last night), Matt and I were shocked when we realized that Jonathan slept all through the night! YAY!!!! Matt had to wake him up in order to get his diaper and outfit changed for Daycare this morning. He said he was all smiles and wasn't even fussing for his bottle. What a big boy! I was so proud!
Bryan slept in his carseat till about his usual 3AM feeding then he got to sleep in bed with us afterwards. That was all my fault, cause I got lazy and didn't want to put him in his crib - he was just way too cuddly. Don't judge! Let's see you lay down Bryan (who's simply irresistable, mind you) at 3AM while he's being all lovey dovey. Here's a picture for reference.. It's just impossible! Well, we're still going to work on it. I figure if we at least give it a try each night that they'll get used to their surroundings, then we'll be able to try the "cry it out" thing.
On another issue, I've been asked about a gazillion times if we've started to feed the boys solids. As of today, the answer is no. They're 5mos on the 19th(can you believe it!), so the timing is about there. I think we're going to wait for a few more weeks. I'd like to see the boys refine their sitting skills a little bit more and I'd like to have them holding their bottles a little better. These aren't requirements, but they're helpful in the whole process. In the mean time, I'm going to lugg the highchairs up from the basement and start to get the twins used to "sitting" in them. Am I crazy for making them wait? I hear there are many benefits to waiting (with alergies), but there are a lot with starting now (sleeping longer, less formula to buy). What are your thoughts?
1 comment:
Honestly, this may sound ridiculous, but you'll know when they are ready. If they are drinking formula like mad men and still seem hungry or if they aren't sleeping longer than 4 hours at a time at night and still want to eat...then you know.
Ava wanted cereal at like 4 months and loved it from the start. There was no looking back.
Max (who is bigger than Ava was) didn't like it until about 5 months and even then wasn't a fan of the cereal. I started it at 4.5 months but he never really caught on to the cereal. He enjoyed the early strained foods way more! Peas, Green beans, peaches, squash, pears...at around 5 months.
I recommend oatmeal cereal, rice caused my kids to have pooping issues, especially with the formula...way too much iron!
Neither one has any allergies...take it slow and introduce one new food at a time. And have your camera ready!
Just one mom's opinion. Take care!
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