A tale of mirror-image identical twin boys and their journey through life.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Week of 1/21/08
Matt and I got a lot done this weekend and we're finally feeling like we're making some progress on some renovations that were put on hold when I went on bed rest...in June '06. At least it hasn't been a full year!
We've also decided that it was about time that we stop complaining about being so tired and start doing something about it. Namely, taking vitamins, eating healthier, and starting a workout plan. Ok, so we're obviously not going to just change everything right away, but there's some small transitions in progress. For instance, we've cleared out space in the basement for a workout area. Matt has a rewards program with Kraft where he gets free merchandise. He has enough points where he can get a treadmill and a small tv. Then Matt's little bro, AJ, has some weights and a bench press that's been collecting dust in his parent's house, so we'll be borrowing that. And to top it off, Matt will be cancelling his fat tax *cough* I mean his gym membership so we can start using it to pay for something more important, like say, diapers. :) That's a pretty decent start, huh? Wish us luck!
One awesome part of the weekend was a family trip to Red Robin with the 'rents. It's such a kid-friendly restaurant, so we didn't worry if the boys started to fuss, which they didn't, the little angels. Jonathan was in awe of all the decorations on the walls and all the people that were there. Bryan was mesmorized by Grandma's face and latched on every chance he got. It was great to take them out to a restaurant, we'll have to make it a common occurrance so they're used to it and not acting like crazy kids running a muck.
So, I don't have pictures for you once again. I'm sorry! I've been taking pictues though, so I'll just have to download them. Maybe tomorrow at work. I'm writing a reminder on my hand right now!
Side note: Does anyone realize how expensive grapes are now!? They were almost $8 a bunch at my grocery store! Too bad I didn't realize this 'till after I got them home! Oh well, they're still yummy.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
High Chairs
Last Thursday, Matt took the boys to the Pediatrician for their 4-month shots. They're 5mos old now, but Bryan was sick when they were first scheduled, so the Dr. pushed them both back so they could be on the same schedule. According to Matt, they did great again. They cried while getting the shots (two on one thigh and one on the other), but they were fine once Matt picked them up. Their weights are: Bryan 13lbs, Jonathan 13lbs 7oz. I'm going to be so strong, or have a broken back, one of the two! Their lengths are: Bryan 23 3/4", Jonathan 23 1/2". So Jonathan has pushed ahead on the weight - way to go! The Dr. said that they are developing great and they are no longer "behind because of their prematurity". To clarify, when you have a premature baby, they have an "adjusted" developmental age that gives them extra time to catch up with a normal developing baby. The twins were one month behind because they were one month early. Make sense? That's about all for now. More to come about my first week of "busy season". Wish me luck...and Matt!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Great News!!!
Week of 1/13/08
Monday, January 7, 2008
Week of January 6th, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008
We did it!

We also spent the next day with the Bevevino side of the family. We ate a lot, laughed a lot, and calmed the boys down after a ton of overstimulating. Here are some more pictures..
Aunt Amy with Jonathan and Skippy.Cousin Erika with Bryan.
Great Grandpap Bevevino with Bryan. Look at him chow down on that hand!
And Uncle AJ chowing down on one of about 8,000 different kinds of cookies and snacks that were on the table. Check out that enthusiasm!

The boys were definitely ready to go. That night, they cried for a few hours and there was nothing we could do to stop it. They eventually cried themselves to sleep - thank god! Thankfully, we didn't wake up anyone except for Uncle Jerry which assured us that he wasn't bothered by it.
The drive back home was a little less desirable. We were off to a good start with just a little crying, we took a little detour for a special restaurant in Ohio during lunch, then they were just sick of the whole traveling idea. They cried for a while, then fell asleep again. We were all very happy to be home and in our own beds that night approximately 14hrs later.