We stayed at the "Miller Manor" (as we affectionately like to call it) for the time we were in Pittsburgh. We wanted a picture of the boys in front of the "Mantle of Honor" and here's what we got. Grandpap is holding Jonathan and Grandma is holding Bryan.

One of Grandma's gabbing sessions with Jonathan. They both talked up a storm when Great Grandma was holding them.

Unfortunately, both boys caught a nasty cold while we were on our trip. It seemed like we were suctioning them all the time! We have a whole house humidifier, we suction and use saline, we put them in the bathroom with us when we're showering, and we try to keep them propped up when they sleep. They still have very stuffy noses - does anyone have any advice? The pediatrician advises against using anything like Vicks, so that's out of the question.
It seemed like the girls were battling colds for the first months of day care last winter...we did exactly what you said, humidifier, propped up the mattresses, saline nose drops, etc. We did do a little tylenol if they were extra cranky and couldn't sleep. I know that helpless feeling...just hang in there!
Thank Goodness for Tylenol!
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