Thursday, November 5th was a crazy busy morning. I know, what morning isn't, but this one was especially busy with Matt having to leave for work at 5:30AM (without me knowing ahead of time) and me having to get ready for work, feed, make 6 bottles of formula, and change diapers and clothes of two crying babies by 6:30AM. A little daunting, but I managed to get us all ready and at day care by 8AM. What made it all worth it was seeing my two little guys smile at me at the same time. I was so excited to see them so happy, that I ran around the house to find the camera or the video camera. I found the video camera and took this picture. Now the big question is how did I manage to go to work when I had such adorable little ones looking up at me? They started to wail about three minutes after this picture. Oh well, it was such a gift to see them so happy together for that short period of time. (*picture note* Jonathan is on the right)
Very cute!! Those are moments I treasure and make those crazy mornings worth it!!
This may be the cutest picture I've ever seen.
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