So the boys are doing great! They're talking up a storm and even talking in sentences some times. There are still quite a few language barriers and the twins have their own "language" that they use occasionally, but it's not enough that I need to worry about it. The tantrums occur frequently so I'm now reading 1-2-3 Magic to learn some discipline strategies. Matt's onboard with this one too, so I'll let you know how that goes.
We've recently taken a couple of trips to PA to visit family and friends. We may have even visited you! I have to apologize, all I have loaded on our home computer (what I am using now) is the pictures from my iPhone. I will eventually download my camera pics and get those posted too.
Matt and I are doing fine. We've got a lot on our plates here at home, but every time we turn around, it seems there's another trip to plan for or take. I am going onto a reduced work week schedule soon which should ease some of the time-crunch-feelings that we've got. I'm sure a lot of you parents out there can relate. There just never seems to be enough time! Where did our relaxing summer go?
After long and painful deliberations, I have decided to go after the CPA exam again. I'm signed up and will sit for the first of the four parts in November. For those of you that don't understand what I'm talking about, this is an exam that I've taken twice before and failed. It was previously a vigorous 2-day written exam that tests your knowledge in everything accounting in a four part test. There was traditionally a 30% passing rate. The exam is now offered electronically and you can sit for one part at a time. If you take it one at a time, the average passing rate is now about 50%. I'm going to start studying before the end of this month every day until I sit for the exam. It's tough. I've got 18 months to pass all four parts. Wish me (and my family) luck!!
After all this, our plans are to have Matt go back to school to get his Masters. Lots of studying going on in the Bevevino household! Hopefully we set some good examples for the boys.
Below are some pictures of some recent events:
Kraft had a picnic for the employees and their family members that volunteered for the Chicago Food Bank. Matt and his Dad, Mark volunteered during the day and I met up with them at the picnic after I got done with work. Here, Matt is sliding down this massive blow-up slide with Jonathan. If you can see, Jonathan has a look of pure joy on his face. If he could, he would've gone down that all afternoon. We got Bryan to go once, but that was it and he wasn't too happy.
They had a relay race set up where you take a huge rubber macaroni and run it down a path to a tub then repeat about a dozen times. The boys Loved this! I could see the competition in them immediately. Oh boy!
They also had a giant bouncy castle set up. Again, Jonathan LOVED this, Bryan didn't even try it.
One day recently, we went on our annual trip with friends to a Sox game. It was the Sox vs. Yankees. It was really hot and we lost, but we all had a great time.
On one of our trips to PA, Bryan found the most perfectly sized lounge chair at Grandma Bryan's house behind the pool.
We stayed at the Miller abode (as usual - thanks Grandma and Grandpap!) for this trip to PA and a great place to play was outside. The weather was awesome the whole time! Here, we had Klondikes and read books before night-night. Ever read the 5 croaking frogs? Yeah, they're pretty loud at 6 in the morning.
Ethan and Carter were very generous to share their motorized cars with Bryan and Jonathan. They were in love with them as soon as they sat in one of them. Great. Matt and I actually broke down and decided to buy them one each for their birthday. I'll have pics of that soon.
So for their birthday today, we took them to Red Robin and we tried to feed them ice cream sundaes, but they didn't even want to try. What is up with that? They did, however, enjoy looking at the carousel horses and tiger that they had displayed. When we got home, we unveiled the cars and let them play in the garage. It was pouring outside, so there wasn't much room to play in. After a few minutes, the tornado sirens went off, so we took them down into the basement. Pepper (our cat) feared for his life, so he hid behind an old microwave immediately. Poor thing! Nothing happen weather-wise, but we handed out presents and played down there until bath time. We had a small birthday party for the boys last weekend in PA when we were there for Ross and Liz's pre-wedding reception party in Clarion. It was so great having so many of the twins' cousins all playing together. I'll have to post those pictures at another time. We had my parents, my grandparents, my sister Lori and her kids Ethan and Carter, Matt's sister Amy, brother-in-law Shane and their beauty Lucy, Matt's parents and his Grandpap Bevevino. We we lucky enough to have the party at Matt's Aunt Jane's boss' house. That's confusing, I know, but there's no other way to say it. I hope to update you some more by next week. Take care!
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