Thursday, March 12, 2009


Last night before night-night-land, I "read" to the boys. I put read in quotes, because it's more like say a word or two, then I'm forced to turn the page. If you've ever read a book to a toddler in you're lifetime, I'm sure you'd understand - especially if you're reading to two at the same time!
I am really loving this stage of the twin's development. They're trying to say every word they hear and they're so much happier that they can express themselves. There's plenty of frustrations when we can't understand them(which is a lot)but it's getting better every week.
The book we were looking at last night was the big animal book. They know enough now that I can say "look at the lion, what does a lion say?" and Bryan will give me his best "ROAR!!". He's also got down a cow's Moo, a pig's snort, a duck's Quack (pronounced Gooack), a horse's Neigh, a sheep's baa, and a rooster's Cock-a-doodle-doo (pronounced coo-ooh!) I love it so much I want to cry!
Jonathan is a little bit behind in the talking area, but not too far behind. He's trying to roar too and he can now proudly point out the duck in the picture at Nana's.
Matt took some video and I'll share with you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this!!!

I also hear they can say Uncle "Gay J." Hilarious and awesome.

So fun. Thanks for the post. I know it's hard for you to find the time.

~Aunt Amy