The day before the wedding was Halloween. I was going back and forth on what to dress them up as. First it was little cops with billy sticks and I was going to have Matt and I dress up as prisoners. Well, no one had costumes that were small enough to fit the twins, so that was out. Next, I was given the idea to have them dress up as Q-tips. I got everything I needed, but the little white hats I had didn't fit them, so that was out. Finally, I found a shirt at Target that was perfect for Bryan - Charlie Brown. I decided then that Bryan would be Charlie Brown and Jonathan would be Snoopy. I didn't get too detailed, but you could figure it out if they were side-by-side. I think next year I'll have to plan way further in advance. Here are some pics of them that night. They didn't even trick-or-treat, but we went out to a restaurant. That ended up being a nightmare! No naps=scary night!

They just wouldn't stand still. Can you believe it!?!

With all the toys we brought with us, they were still more interested in all the interesting things that Grandma and Grandpap Miller had in their house. We dubbed them the "garbage man" when they grabbed the trash can and pushed it all around the kitchen. They loved it!

We ended up having to go to the wedding earlier than expected for family pictures. This was when the twins normally have their afternoon nap. Yikes! They made it through the pictures, but melted down shortly after that, so Matt so kindly took the boys back to the car and drove around the entire time of the wedding so I could watch. Jonathan ended up napping for a little bit, but Bryan never did.

The happy couple..

The first kiss...

Uncle Charlie watching Sarah go down the aisle.

Here's Bryan hanging out in one of the pews. We let the twins run around the church. They immediately ran over to the very sharp pencils and donation envelopes that they had in each pew. They must have radar for dangerous things!

My Nephew, Ethan was the ring bearer. He took a moment to give Bryan a big hug. How cute!

At the reception, all the kids decided to run around the dance floor and jump off the little stage that had the cake on it. Of course, the twins saw this and had to do the same thing.

During all the fun, I went to take a picture and Ethan jumped in at just the right moment. I have three pictures just like this. That little stinker!

Love the pics of the twins...they are getting so big!! Stand still... I don't think that will ever happen again. Atleast it won't in our house!!!
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