The time between vacation in July and Uncle Charlie's wedding in November, we had some events that I just didn't have time to post about. I will try to fill you in on all the good times now since I'm in training for something that I will never use and I love to multitask! The pictures are NOT in order due to the way they were imported. I'll do my best to explain what's going on.
Just thought I'd show a typical day in the Bevevino abode these days. It's not this bad EVERY day, but it's about right.

Uncle DJ and Aunt Patty came to visit one weekend. The twins LOVE to climb all over Uncle DJ. Here he is playing.

Jonathan loves his Grandpa!

Lucy came to visit in October. Here's Bryan giving Lucy a big hug. We made him hug her a lot more than this cause it was so darn cute, but this was the only time we got it on camera.

I can't remember who this is. We were at a gas station and he was looking up at the sun. Aww.

On weekends when we're at Grandma's late, we give the boys their bath and night-bottle. This was before bathtime when we stipped the clothes off the twins and they were running around while Nana got the bath water ready. Bryan got a little eager and pulled his diaper partly off. It ended up completely off a few moments after this.

This is my current favorite picture of Lucy. What a cutie!

Oh yeah, I also considered having the twin's Halloween costumes be prisoners after snapping this pic.

This is when Lucy came to visit in October. Matt with Lucy...

Me with Lucy... Don't worry Shane, I don't think her diaper's wet or dirty. Oops!

When I come home from work, I pick up the twins from daycare. Matt's usually at home by then. They usually run/crawl right over to him crying for his attention. Daddy aim's to please them and they hop up on his lap with a great big hug. This time, Jonathan got a little aggressive and hooked him.

We recently got new carseats for the twins - the kind that can face forward! Here's Jonathan the first time he sat in his new seat.

And here's Bryan...

Great Grandma and Grandpap Miller came to visit in early October. One of the days we visited Tom's Farmer's Market where they were having a fall festival. At one point, it started to rain quite a bit, so we took cover inside where there was a play table with a ton of lincoln logs. I think I see a future Christmas gift!

There were pony rides...

And a hay pile that we didn't really care for...

Here we are in the land of OZ..

And finally with the Three Men in a Tub. How creative!

As a member of the local Twins Club, we get to go to some group outtings. We went to the Fall outting at a local park and had a blast. Here's Jonathan swinging.

And Bryan falling asleep after a long day playing.

Bryan running free around the park - it's a big deal for these guys.

Walking towards the playgroud.

Here's a pic of an event that happens every time the twins visit Gma and Gpa Bevevino's house. The boys practically ignore everyone and run towards all the bad things that they can get into. One of the favorites is the pots and pans cabinet. Since this pic, they've decided to lock this cabinet. The twins are getting a lot more strong and there's only so much that the pots can take. :(

Playing the piano one afternoon.

This is the twin's favorite drawer in Gma's house. It's actually Grandpa Bevevino's drawer to the end table where he keeps his pencils and paper, etc. Yeah, he doesn't keep any of that stuff in there anymore. The twins check every time just to make sure.

Eating yummy chicken at Amy's baby shower.

Posin' w/ the fishes.

Grandma and Jonathan in awe of the beautiful Giraffe.

The boys haning' out in front of the Lion's Den.

The first real food that the twins would willingly eat was French Fries. Of course I had my camera!

Bath time pic.


Labor Day party at Grandma's

The reading corner thanks to Grandma and Grandpap Bryan.

This toy is actually a table with a flipable top. One side is for building blocks and the other has a bunch of gizmos on it. EVERY TIME, the twins take the top off and sit in the bin. What is up with that???

A cute pic of Jonathan laughing. Pure joy.

At bath time, we say out loud, "It's bath time!" and the twins get up immediately from whatever they're doing and go to the gate. Here's Bryan trying to get through.

On the twin's real Birthday, we all went to Red Robin (their favorite restaurant) and had a visit with Ole Red himself.