Monday, August 18, 2008

Jonathan's First Steps!!

Yesterday, August 17th, 2008 Jonathan took his first steps. Both Matt and I were there. I had him while we were practicing in the kitchen and he stood there for a few seconds, then he took two steps and then sat down. We are so very excited!! Congratulations Jonathan!!!
Bryan's been getting very comfortable with walking and he's been walking around the kitchen and living room without any prompting. He has tried to step down from the kitchen to the living room, but that didn't turn out too well. Pictures or video to follow hopefully soon.

FYI - I'm really far behind on my posts, and I apologize. I still need to inform you all about the remainder of the Twins Tour, the weeks afterwards, and their first birthday party that I threw on Saturday the 16th. I'm getting there, I just wanted to spread the great news!


Anonymous said...

Yay Jonathan!!!

I am sad that we missed the twins' first birthday but I guess we have a pretty reasonable excuse considering I'm full-term now. Would they enjoy a new cousin as a birthday gift? I hope so, 'cuz that's what they're getting.

Can't wait to read more and see more pics.

Aunt Amy

{The Tresslers} said...

Congrats to Jonathan and Happy 1rst Birthday to both of the boys!! Wow, doesn't that go by WAY TOO FAST??!!! We're gearing up for the 2nd birthday in November and I can hardly believe it!! Looking forward to seeing pics from the party and videos!!

Brooke said...

HAPPY Birthday BTW!!!!

Brooke said...

Did Aunt Amy have the baby yet??!?!?!?!?!?

Bryan and Jonathan said...

No Baby yet, but it's just a matter of days!!! We can't wait!!

Brooke said...

Ok...I am dying to know what's going on with the FAM!?!? I know you have got to be a new aunt by now and I have to see the 1st bithday picks.

BTW - I may be coming to Chicago for a conference in the next couple of weeks...would love to see you!!!