The first fun project that the club had set up for the kids to do was to pick "flowers" for their mothers for Mother's Day and decorate them and a card. We chose to try out the flower patch - I guess the flowers were yummy, cause the boys each ate one. I ended up picking up two dry ones for myself...what? I deserve it! :)

After that, we headed to the petting zoo portion of the park. Matt held Bryan and I held Jonathan so they could get a closer look at the animals. Here's Matt and Bryan checking out the chickens and a rooster. It cackled when they got too close to the hens. The boys were in awe of all the different animals. Jonathan would get excited and kick out his legs a lot and Bryan had a big goofy grin on his face most of the time. I loved it.

Here's Matt talking to the turkey. Yep, he was gobbling and the turkey was gobbling right back. It was a bonding moment.

This next one was the cutest thing. Another twins mother took this picture of us. You can see Matt's head. Bryan on the right, Jonathan on the left. Jonathan hit his head on the little opening, so he wasn't too happy, but we got the pic.

With this next picture, I just wanted to document the biggest pig that I've ever seen in person. It was huge people!

By the end of two hours, Bryan was fast asleep and Jonathan was also shortly after him.

Here's Daddy and Jonathan having a laugh later in the day.

Now that the boys' teeth are a little more noticeable, I wanted to get a picture to show you all. Here's Jonathan showing us his. He's got one up on the right side and a little bit of one on the left side is pushing through....still. It's really bothering him, and us! That Baby Oragel really works well though.

Here's Bryan showing us his teeth.

Maybe another day. His two bottom ones are up about the same as Jonathan's first one.
Mother's Day went well. Matt really wanted to try out a new recipe for Kansas City Ribs (smoked). They were awesome! I finally got a chance to use my trifle bowl and made a tri-berry trifle. Yummy!
In other news, Matt and I made the decision to get the boys set on a schedule. This is more for us than them, but it will definitely help them. They are to wake up at 6am and we're going to try and be out the door by 7:30am. After work, we're going to eat, feed them, clean up, give them baths, have play time, read a story and put them to sleep all by 8:30pm. We'll see how it works out and I'll be sure to let you know. They're already pretty close to those times anyway, but we've been rocking them to sleep and we let them fall asleep when they want. Our plan is to literally put them in their cribs at 8:30pm and hope they fall asleep. This actually worked last night, but I could be beginners luck. Like I said, we'll see.
I love the pic of Matt and Jonathan...too cute. Well...they're all cute, but that one made me go ahhhhhhhh!
Schedules are good. Very good. They keep Mommy and Daddy sane.
Love the petting zoo pics! Great idea for an outing!!
Oh,and I agree with mama b...schedules are our friends!!!!
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