The Past two weeks have been very busy for our family. I'll start with the oldest news and bring you up to date with this past weekend. (Sorry for the delay - I was at a client last week and could not post)
The weekend of 4-26-08, we (Matt, Me, Jean, Mark, and the boys) all went to Univ. of Illinois to see Matt's cousin,
Paul, pitch for
Penn State. It was a nice trip down and the boys did great. We had lots of snacks and magazines to keep us occupied and I even got a little cat-nap in (who doesn't love a cat-nap?). When we got there, we had a little bit of a hard time finding the stadium. If we didn't watch Paul pitch, this would've been the highlight of the trip. It was the classic "we saw the lights, but couldn't find the stadium" problem. We eventually found it and fortunately didn't miss too much of the game. It was a double header that ended around 7, if I remember correctly, so it wasn't too bad timing-wise for the boys. They were really over stimulated by the end of the day, so it was pretty hard to get them to sleep. Other than that, they loved every minute of it.
Here's Bryan cheering on Penn State to a victory of 10-7 in the first game. There was a home run after home run with 6 altogether. They made it look easy.

Here's Paul pitching on Sunday. Penn State was having a hard time in this game, so they called in Paul to save the day. It was already too late.

Our trip back on Sunday went pretty well also. We were all exhausted and turned in early for the night. Here's the boys when we were trying to get them down to sleep. (Jonathan on the left)

OK, here we are into this past weekend (first weekend of May). My Grandma and Grand pap Miller came to town from Pittsburgh, PA. They just got back from a trip to China, I know, amazing! We saw some pictures of the Great Wall which was just one stop of many on their tour. Matt and I hope to be as active when we're that age. Personally, I don't see myself getting my butt off the couch, but you never know. :) So here's one of the boys hanging out in a highchair. Both boys were doing this and I thought it was the cutest thing. They're using the hook on the bottom of the tray as a footrest.

Here's Great-Grandpap with Jonathan...

And Great-Grandma with Bryan. Check out that necklace. It has a little boy or girl figurine for each grandchild and great-grandchild. That's some serious bling.

Here's Jonathan (a.k.a. "the animal")cruising down Grandpap's leg with a trail of slobber. He's really progressing with his motor skills and he was untying Grandpap's shoelaces over and over again. Since they've cut their teeth, they've been trying to bite everything. I'm starting to suspect it's because of the reaction that they get. It really hurts!

Here's just a cute picture of Bryan.

It was a beautiful day on Sunday, so we all went for a walk around the block after lunch. Jonathan was in the front and Bryan in the back. Can you see his alligator sunglasses? They stayed on for at least 15 minutes! For those non-mom's out there, that's a really long time! (By the way, it was a bit windy when we took this first picture. Grandma's hair doesn't normally stand up like that.)

At the end of our walk, we had a chat with our neighbors (Diane, Lisa, Shannon, and Shannon's soccer friend were there) and Bryan had a chat with their dog Bailey (I think that's her name).

Here's Jim and Joann with Bryan and Jonathan. This was the best picture I got since they were clearly not in the mood to get their pictures taken. After this, we all went upstairs to give the boys a bath. Good times. Kinda wished I had cleaned the upstairs bathroom at that point.

Ok, there's a story behind this picture. Each year, my family on my Mom's side has a jelly bean count contest for all the grandchildren. I was out of the competition for a number of years due to me being busy, forgetting, etc., but these past two years, I've put in my guess. Last year, I had no idea what the container looked like but my count won! This year, they allowed Matt to compete as well (with a picture of the container to look at) and guess what, he won! The winner gets the container of jelly beans and $20. Yummy and Yummy!

It's official. The boys are now in the woddler room! Today I brought the camera into daycare to document the special day. Here are the boys with their Infant-room teacher, Miss Karen.

Here are the boys being passed onto their new teacher, Miss Kim.

They were really excited and so was I. I'm such a dork of a Mom! Who else would take pictures of their kids moving from one room to the next? Anyways, the boys really like this room, there's lots of toys to play with and plenty of soft areas to fall on while they practice crawling and eventually walking. The next step is to move on to the toddler room. Let's not talk about that because I'll just start tearing up again. They're growing up so fast!