Here's Bryan. He's doing great despite a little bit of discomfort from cutting his first tooth! We're going to call it officially cut on the 17th. He Loves to rub his tongue over it and now he's obsessed with holding onto his tongue for whatever reason.

Last night he tossed and turned. I got up two times for him and one time for Jonathan where all he needed was a consoling pat on the back to go back to sleep. Bryan ended up waking up again a third time where he earned himself a trip downstairs to sleep on Daddy. I hope this is just because of the teething. I feel really bad for them. I hear it's not painful for them, but how do we know? Has anyone used Baby Orajel? Despite the restless nights, they both wake up happy and ready to play. I wish I could bottle that energy and sell it as a drug!
So here are the boys on Saturday, their 8-month b-day. I can tell how it's going to get harder and harder to get them to sit still for just a minute.

Here's Jonathan. When Matt was little, his father used to tell him to "get excited" and he would clench his fists get a big grin on his face and shake. I wonder if this is similar to how he looked.

I don't know if it's the kick from finally being over with busy season, or just that I'm coming to my senses, but I'm missing the boys almost every minute of the day now. It's exhausting to think about it too. I feel terrible for working while someone else is having all the fun with them and I think I'd feel terrible if I'd stay at home and worry about our financial future. Anyone else grappling with this dilemma?
Every single day I feel the guilt. I know exactly how you feel. That's why I chose to work only 3 days (even though that seems like too much sometimes too!). Anyway, for the teeth girls are going through the same thing right now too and even though there's not a fever, there is still obvious pain, so we give them some Motrin before bed to help them sleep! Good luck!! I love those pictures! Your two are so smiley!!
I miss them so much!
Thanks to Aunt Lori, we've tried some Oragel which seems to work, but it's really hard to get it on the gums and not on their tongue or on my own hands.
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