Sorry for such a long time since my last blog post. I hope to be better about this in the future. There's only 4 weeks plus two more working days till busy season is over, so I'll be even better about it then. I'll start by saying thanks to everyone for your support about Bryan's tube operation. I've scheduled it for April 16th and I really can't wait now that I've heard all such great things about it.
In other news, this past week, the boys have been battling something that day care called a 24-hr bug, but has come back on more than one day. It's really weird....Day care will call and say that the boys (started with Bryan on Tuesday) are throwing up and have a runny diaper. So, I went and picked them up, but the whole rest of the day there was nothing! Just happy boys. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't busy season and I didn't fear for my job. The next day, I would bring them in and it would be the same thing. This happened all week. Luckily, Matt took them on Wednesday and they lasted the whole day Thurday and Friday (if I'm remembering right) without being sent home. What could I say? You can't really argue with the people that you're entrusting the safety of your children. Well, I guess you can, but I trust them. Remember, they were the ones that found Jonathan's hernia. In any case, they were great this weekend, just your normal spit up and no runny diapers. Matt on the other hand, was really sick! He started to get over it on Sunday, but it came back overnight with a vengence. Yuk! That's all I have to say about that!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Here are the boys in their Patty's Day outfits and bibs thanks to Grandma Jean. Little do they know that they're going to get their 6mo shots today! Lucky them. :) 
Here's a picture of Matt and the boys on the Friday before last. I came home from work and they were all "wrastling" as we like to call it.
That weekend, the boys had their own wrastling match at their grandparent's house. They were allowed one prop each.
Daddy was the referee. Jonathan won this match. Look at that form! Nice pin!
Later that night, we all went to Red Lobster to celebrate Uncle AJ's spring break visit. Here's Jonathan showing Uncle AJ his best impression of Elvis. Uh huh!

Here's a picture of Matt and the boys on the Friday before last. I came home from work and they were all "wrastling" as we like to call it.

That weekend, the boys had their own wrastling match at their grandparent's house. They were allowed one prop each.

Later that night, we all went to Red Lobster to celebrate Uncle AJ's spring break visit. Here's Jonathan showing Uncle AJ his best impression of Elvis. Uh huh!

Wait till they really "wrastle"! You guys are going to have some seriously broken stuff!
Wow, your boys look so much alike (I know, mine do too, but I don't think they do as much as yours do!!). I agree with Brooke, your house is going to be insane with all that testosterone!!
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