As far as everyone's health goes, Matt and the boys just got over whatever virus it was that they had. I've got a dry cough that I think broke this morning. It looks like Bryan has another ear infection, but we can't do anything about it because he can't have medicine two weeks before or after surgery. Hopefully that will heal on it's own really soon. Other than that, we're all very happy.
So, here's a suggestion to any new mother. Get an activity center - one of those things that's stationary, you sit the baby in it and they play with all sorts of toys around them. It's the boys' favorite toy by far and Grandma Jean got it for them a little while ago. Here they are tearing at it from every angle. They both love to chew on that mirror-like thing then they get excited and bounce like crazy. It's hard not to watch them when they're in it cause you just can't stop laughing.

One day we put the boys in their Penn State Altoona onesies. Great Grandma and Great Grandpap Miller arranged to have these sent to the boys. Thanks! They weren't really in the mood to pose for a picture that afternoon, so I'll have to try again sometime.

To celebrate my big b-day, Matt and I went downtown to visit some museums in Chicago. Grandma Jean and Grandpa Mark were nice enough to take the boys for a sleepover at their house. They had a blast! Bryan slept in a crib upstairs and Jonathan slept in a pack-n-play downstairs. According to the 'rents, they ate, played, and slept well the whole day. They even went out to lunch and had a bath that night. Bryan slept through the night and Jonathan woke up once wanting a bottle (the usual).
The only eventful thing that happened to them happened at lunch. They went to Red Robin and Jonathan had a toot that didn't fade (if you catch my drift). Jean took him into the ladies room, but they didn't have a changing table, so she had to wash off the sink and change him there. He's started to really squirm during changes and even roll over, so this is no easy task. Luckily, he didn't move all that much and Jean was able to change him with out incident.
So, Matt and I had a great time downtown. We stayed at a really cool/modern hotel named the Amalfi. It was right across the street from Harry Caray's (spelling?) . We didn't go there because we only had jeans and the picture in a restaurant book made it look like a no-jeans kind of a place. I just learned today that that's not the case, but we know now for next time. Here I am with a Moose sculpture that was in front of the WGN building. I actually cropped this picture to what's showing because the original has a big chunk of the building and a bunch of people in it that we don't know. Matt's picture skills are not that desirable. Hence, me not being in too many pics, 'cause I'm taking them all. At least he got the sculpture in the picture. He took another picture of me in front of one of the lions that sits in front of the Art Institute of Chicago, but he didn't bother getting the lion in the picture. Ugh! So anyway, we only got to the art gallery because we ran out of time there. There was so much to see! A lot of very famous paintings that I've only seen on tv or in print. breathtaking! If anyone is interested coming to visit Chicago, I highly recommend a trip to the Art Institute!

Here's a picture that Matt took of me. I was in mid-sentence and a bit goofy, but it's not a terrible picture I guess.

Ok, that's a little bit longer than it should have been. I guess I'll be looking for childproofing stuff tomorrow. :)