Monday, February 25, 2008

Week of 2/18/08

So it's been a pretty busy week. Ok, it's been a pretty busy month, so this was more of the same. With Matt's promotion still keeping our spirits up, we decided to go out for a celebratory lunch with Grandma and Grandpap at Olive Garden on Sunday even though all four of us are suffering through a cold. This time we all ended up with different symptoms, weird. Matt and the boys have a bad cough. Matt has a stuffy nose. Bryan has his ear infection. Jonathan has the "amazing-never-ending-runny nose" and a little bit of pink eye. And I have a sore throat with a stress ulcer on the back/side of my tongue. It could be worse, so we're not complaining. In fact, the boys just keep on smiling through it all. I think it was Jonathan that decided that Matt needed to change his shirt, so he puked on him. Right after, he was smiling and laughing. Matt, not so much.
Bryan started to sleep through the night this weekend again. All you mom's out there know that the sleeping pattern is destroyed with a cold. We're just now building it back up.
In food progress: Bryan and Jonathan started to eat two new foods this week - peas and green beans. They love the peas (like true Bryan family decendents) and the green beans are still under consideration. Jonathan was a little finnicky when I tried to feed him, so I didn't get a good gauge on what he thought. It was pretty clear that Bryan didn't like the beans as much as the peas, but he managed to eat a few spoonfuls. We're going to keep trying with the beans for another day, then switch to some squash then some carrots. So far, they haven't had any allergic reactions - that I know of. I really don't know what to look out for in that area. Any help here? I just know to look for the obvious sudden rashes and swelling up. Should I be looking for anything else?
And in gross news: We had our first poos since starting food and they're really not too bad. I guess having a cold has it's perks!
I took some pictures and I'll be sure to post them as soon as I can.
Back to work!

1 comment:

{The Tresslers} said...

I'm sorry to hear about the seems like we are all feeling okay now in our house but that can change in a second! Hope everyone is doing better and congrats again to Matt!