Here are a few recent pictures for you...
The twins' cousin, Lucy, came to visit just after Thanksgiving and we tried our best to get a good "Christmas Card Picture". You know those, the ones were everyone's yelling "smile!!" and "don't bite!" all at the same time. It was great. The five minute picture taking session resulted in no official christmas card pictures, but a whole lot of laughs. Here's the best one, in my opinion.

Lucy, say Aaahhh.

Bryan and Jonathan love playing the piano at Nana's house. Here they are with Daddy.

Oh Johnathan!

The twins are always telling us that they want to "touch daddy's car" when we're anywhere near it. This time, Jonathan got in. It was NOT easy to get him out.

Playing airplane with Nana. Isn't this what being a kid is all about?

We visited Santa, aka Ho-Ho a couple of weekends ago. We had a blast, Bryan didn't.

Just recently, Bryan's been very afraid of the dark. He already has a night light, but now he's requesting that the big light stay on (it's on a dimmer). He's even started to crawl into bed with his brother. One night I went in to check on them before I went to sleep and found the big light on all the way, the fan on full blast and this. It was too cute!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday.