Now that we have the disclosure out of the way, let's describe what's going on in these pictures. The first is from February 17th. Aunt Amy, Uncle Shane and Grandma Jean came over for a visit. The boys were just starting to get real sick, but you can't tell from all the fun that we had. Here's Amy and Shane with Jonathan.

Here they are again all snuggled up on a chair with winnie. They're going to be such great parents!

Here's Bryan after a feeding fest of peas. Believe it or not, I'm getting better at this whole feeding thing. Bryan loves to pull at my hand at just the precise moment that I have the spoon full of food and am about to put it in his mouth. After I scoop it off of the side of his mouth, there's still quite a bit left over. He got really excited each time the spoon came in for a landing, so the arms were flailing all over the place.

On the 24th me, Matt, Jean, Mark and the boys all went to the Olive Garden to celebrate Matt's promotion. Here's Grandpap Mark with Jonathan. Doesn't Jonathan look like Marlon Brando?

So now we're all up to date with pictures. Matt tells me that the boys are close to crawling, so when it see it, I'll be sure to take tons of pics for you all to see!