On Saturday before the Penn State vs. Ohio State game, the whole family along with Grandma and Grandpap Bevevino went to Randy's Vegetables to pick out pumpkins. We had a great time, but it was freezing!!!

Jonathan found that they were selling his apples! Here he is helping mommy pick out a few.

Smile! Bryan is on the right and Jonathan's on the left.

It was really cold, but what's worse is that Jonathan dropped his pacifier and Bryan's was taken away for this picture. That set us off for the rest of the trip. Now, what pumpkin should we get? It was a quick decision. :)

Mom, we want to go home!!!

While Mommy went to pay for our pumpkins, Daddy found some miniature furniture. It fit us perfectly! Here's Bryan in a rocking chair. We should have just stayed here and had some more fun rather than watching Penn State’s disappointing loss.